Thursday, March 11, 2010

Just a day in the life...

So... two days ago my 11 year old told me he had folded his clothes and put them away...

This morning I discovered that he hadn't... he just had them strewn all over the floor by his closet and still half in the basket.

So I took his mp3 player and DS and told him he doesn't get them back until the clothes are folded and put in his drawers.

This afternoon he went into his room to fold them... 10 minutes later he calls and says that he is ready for me to check his drawers.

I open the closet and look in the drawers... the clothes are neatly folded, but the drawer isn't as full as I would expect, but he does go through shirts quite a bit, so I didn't think too much about it. I noticed a sock and pair of underwear on the floor in front of the drawer and bent down to toss it in the drawers... and noticed that his science project display board from last year that we had stored in the little area next to the drawers was not up against the wall, but almost right next to the drawers... I pull it aside and found clothes stuffed in there between the drawers and the wall...

He feigned innocence... he doesn't know how those got in there. I told him maybe he had a ghost in his room since he didn't do it himself... and that he still had to fold the clothes and put them in his drawers before he get's the mp3 player back and his DS...

He's not very happy right now.

On the other hand I'm thrilled that my first grader brought home a note saying someone in her class has lice... and I checked her head and she is lice free... :) I still made her wash her hair with the green tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner.  Next week is spring break so hopefully people can get rid of it during that week off of school.  I feel their pain... we had to treat all three girls three times last fall.

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