Many many years ago when we were a family of 2 adults and a toddler and infant I was so good at budgeting our family's finances... I did menu planning and planned out 2 weeks of meals at a time. I made dinner almost every single night and did so in a budget conscious way with lots of stuff made from scratch and not many premade short cut items.
Many years, and two kids later we are a family of 2 adults, 1 teenage boy, 1 preteen girl and two kids... our grocery bill has multiplied by leaps and bounds and I've decided I have to go back to some basics that I've long since stopped doing.
So I'm going to start doing meal plans again... I've seen lots of places where you can buy preplanned meal calenders with grocery lists etc, but the reality is while my hubby and I would enjoy the new menu items, the kids would stage a revolt. So here is what I have planned for the next week of meals- all meals that I know 80% of my family love and the remaining 20% each night that doesn't love it, will still manage to find enough on the table to eat.
Sat- Ward Picnic (bring 3 dozen rolls)
Sun- Taco dinner night, baking day- bake cinnamon rolls and no bake cookies
Mon- Chicken Rolls, carrots, and salad
Tues- Leftovers for the kids, Bunko night for mom, Big lunch for dad
Wed- Sweet and sour meatballs, coconut rice, salad and a veggie side (corn or broccoli from the freezer)
Thurs- Leftovers or a pre-prepared freezer item (pizza rolls, frozen waffles, etc) (we will be gone all day on an outing, and have things that night for 3 of the 4 kids so it has to be something quick.
Fri- Spaghetti, corn fritters, garlic bread, salad.
Now that I have my menu, I just have to remember to not only take my grocery list to the store tomorrow, but look at the list and get everything on it- and not a bunch of extra un-needed stuff! :)
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