Saturday, December 4, 2010

Home again home again...

We are huge Disney fans. We went for the first time to Disneyworld four years ago as a second honeymoon to celebrate our anniversary and the end of our baby years and me being pregnant or nursing. It was really the first trip we've ever gone on that was without Ida and just for fun. We had a boast, and felt guilty that we had gone without the kids. So the next year we took the kids. And returned a year later and had some friends there t the same time. The next year Dh and I did another solo trip and then we were hooked. We bought into the dvc membership and just finished our first trip there staying in a dvc room. I'm so pleased and halt with it. Also we strategically planned our points so we will only go every other year. Without that built in planning the kids would want tO go every year And Dh would probably get talked into it. Lol!

I've been neglecting this blog. I hope to get better about posting Right now it's midnight and we are driving home from our trip. We got a great deal on airline tickets, but Had to drive three hours to the airport to get the deal. So please forgive typos and stuff. I'm typing this on the phone. :)

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